A-Z Index

Blended Courses

Northwest Educational Leadership Blended Courses

Numbers and Titles by Degree:

Two classes offered together at the same time, on alternating sessions.
Saves travel time and money!


Masters Classes

Blended with class directly adjacent (across, same color)

Course# Class Title Course# Class Title
61-630 Foundations of Ed Administration 61-631 School Supervision
61-632 Elementary School Administration 61-634 Elementary School Curriculum
61-685 Secondary School Administration 61-684 Secondary School Curriculum
61-649 Issues in Education 61-682 Imp of Instruction/Action Research
61-665 School Law 61-683 Action Research Paper
- - 61-693 Prac. Sch. Adm. Supervision
- - 61-694 Prac. El. Sch. Adm. and Supervision

Specialist Classes

Blended with class directly adjacent (across)

Course# Class Title Course# Class Title
61-613 School Personnel Administration 61-675 School Finance
61-695 Philosophy of Education 61-681 School and Community Relations
61-670 Buildings and Equipment 61-740 Superintendency
61-632 Elementary School Administration 61-634 Elementary School Curriculum
61-685 Secondary School Administration 61-684 Secondary School Curriculum

For immediate assistance, please contact:

Northwest Campus
(Maryville, MO)
Northwest-Kansas City
(Kansas City, MO)

Phone: 660.562.1231 or ext. 1095

Phone: 816.604.3171